Monday, January 12, 2009

The Office and... stuff.

I've been watching, admittedly, far too much of 'The Office' recently.  Partly, I think this is because my subconscious knows I have some really difficult decisions to deal with and that I'm not ready to yet.  So I intentionally do things to keep my mind completely off of... my mind.  I went and picked up my pills from lancaster today.  Hopefully my emotional state will be back to normal in a couple of days.  It's one of the most frustrating things in the world to have to take a pill to keep your hormone levels in the correct balance so that you don't want- to not want -anything all the time. (That was supposed to describe a general lack of motivation or desire). 
Anyway, I've been 'learning' things that I wasn't expecting to from The Office, mainly about love, I guess. I realize that its a TV show and that Hollywood is one of the greatest culprits in distorting our culture's view on that subject and what it means, but putting that aside, I feel that I still have been learning something.  But I'm not quite sure what it is yet. I think part of it is about patience, and longing, and hurt, and the passage of time, and the fact that I really wish I had a girl in my life, and how just when you think you are over something, you will realize that it is still there in the back of your mind... among other things.  

I tend to blog much more when I'm depressed.  I'm terribly depressed right now.  Nothing is going anywhere fast and I am extremely impatient. I need to quit my job, it's bringing me down. I need to get out of this small town, it's bringing me down. I need to meet some people and make some more friends. The lack of them is bringing me down.  I want some band members. Just a couple. PLEASE?  All I want to do is record a record and go on tour and keep doing it forever and ever and ever while I get paid to, is that to much to ask? Yes, probably it's biting off way more piece of pie than I was ever supposed to have.  Perhaps my mouth wasn't made that big. And if it wasn't would You please tell me NOW BECAUSE WAITING IS FUCKING KILLING ME AND I DON'T UNDERSTAND THE MEASUREMENTS.

Side Note:

Ranting in a blog  barely anyone reads is probably one of the most attractive things a young 22 year old man can do. It shows his maturity level to be so beyond that of his peers that it makes even Mahatma Gandhi's look microscopic in comparison. In fact, if one wishes for countless females to fall immediately in love with him, all he need do is to post said rant on a blog of his choosing, generally dealing with themes of depression, angst, disillusionment and hopelessness, along with his phone number and AIM screen name online. Then he should post the URL link to this blog in as many public places online as could possibly be thought of, but in case of a time constraint, Facebook and Myspace will do. Once these two steps have been completed, all said young man must do is sit back and wait for his phone to ring off the hook.*

* Please note that this is a turn of phrase and in no sense literal, as most young females no longer use phones with actual lines and receivers and will probably just send you a text, facebook message, or IM in the event that they truly wish to get in contact with you.  If one of these females does try contacting you and realizes that you have a landline and a physical answering machine, you might as well castrate yourself because you will never find a mate willing to bear your children. If this went too far, so be it.

If you read all of this, I'm very sorry. 

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