Thursday, February 28, 2008


A week ago today I think I gave the best live performance of my life.  Definitely as far as theatrics are concerned.  I still need to go get the pictures and video from the computers in the Lodge onto my own computer so I can put them up.  Some of them are pretty cool.  I wore all purple and black with a purple bandana around my neck haha.  Oh, and I straightened my hair so I could shake it around.  I had an awesome time.  It helped me to confirm that this is what I want to do. 
I don't have much else to say. A.I.R.'s play tonight.  I don't have to do anything so it should be quite relaxing for me.  I hear its supposed to be a 'coffee shop' atmosphere, so I may be in charge of the coffee, but thats pretty easy. 


Monday, February 18, 2008

The Rain.

So my thoughts about coming out of the rainstorm were certainly premature when looking back at the last few days.  We certainly went through a lot of trauma and soul searching here on the island.  There were quite a few extremely low points.  Morale was low and there was a general funk over the whole place.  Most of our time in Boston was spent individually worrying about all the time we were wasting instead of practicing while collectively trying to fake having fun with everyone else.
Today we had basically 4 hours of talks with everyone and the professors about what the different problems are and just trying to get to the bottom of issues.  There were a lot of different issues that needed to be addressed and they finally were brought up.  

I feel a lot better about a lot of things.

Tomorrow, however, may be a completely different story.  
I know that my set is not as ready as it should be. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Surviving Masters

I realize its been a little while since I last updated in this hurr thang.  My apologies.  
However, I'm not sorry.  Apologies are a formality.
Anyway,  we had to make 'official' recordings for this last Monday.  They're called masters although its only one song. (Mastering usually refers to a whole album). 
 So, we all spent a huge load of time in the recording studios tracking and mixing and all that jazz.  It was amazingly stressful.  Fun, but stressful considering the short amount of time we had to get everything done.
I had about 5 total hours to track everything with no rehearsals beforehand.  Then I was up for ever trying to mix it.  That didn't work out so well.
The next morning I turned it in with all the others and we listened to them in class while the professors made comments about how bad they were.
They shredded them to pieces.
It was rather depressing.
Then we took the last two days to regroup ourselves basically.
I'm still fired up about music.  Or rather, re-fired.  It was being rained on for a little while, but I think the flame is growing again.
Trip to Boston coming up on Friday.  I'm excited to be off this island.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Post First Show

Well, its over and we survived.  I think for a first performance it was actually pretty good.  I definitely didn't like the way my screaming was mic'd, and there were some other technical difficulties, but I think the band did its part quite well.  I've discovered I stand basically the exact same during an entire performance, which I should probably mix up.  My face also isn't very emotional when I scream, apparently (from watching the video of the show).
I'd really like it if I could have a mic with a cord so I could play around with it.  (Yeah, mics are for singing AND swinging.) I hate singing into a mic stand.  It makes you feel stuck and I think I should be moving around quite a bit since my music is (hopefully) energetic. 
I'm definitely growing.  By the end of the semester I probably won't recognize myself on stage.
Here are some pics ya'll. (There'd be more but they won't loooooaaad).