Sunday, February 3, 2008

Post First Show

Well, its over and we survived.  I think for a first performance it was actually pretty good.  I definitely didn't like the way my screaming was mic'd, and there were some other technical difficulties, but I think the band did its part quite well.  I've discovered I stand basically the exact same during an entire performance, which I should probably mix up.  My face also isn't very emotional when I scream, apparently (from watching the video of the show).
I'd really like it if I could have a mic with a cord so I could play around with it.  (Yeah, mics are for singing AND swinging.) I hate singing into a mic stand.  It makes you feel stuck and I think I should be moving around quite a bit since my music is (hopefully) energetic. 
I'm definitely growing.  By the end of the semester I probably won't recognize myself on stage.
Here are some pics ya'll. (There'd be more but they won't loooooaaad).

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