Friday, March 20, 2009

Frustration, Determination, Inspiration, Motivation, etc

Hey Everyone,
   I realized I've been on kind of a hiatus from blogging the last couple months.  I apologize.  I guess I've just been busy with a lot of different other distractions and never felt like taking the time to write out my thoughts.
 A Lot has happened since my last update- here's a quick recap...

With Walking Trees:
Found a bassist, a lead, and a rhythm guitarist for the lineup!  ...Still looking for drums.
Finished recording our five song debut EP titled 'Like a Feather, Like a Fox'. (You can check it out here.)
Album artwork is almost finished for the album and it is 'in process' to be on iTunes, Amazonmp3 and many other digital distributors!

Still working at Beni's pizza and living in Cleona, PA.
My parents came to visit last week and it was good to see them. My mom cooked lots of wonderful food.
Although they are 'supportive' of my musical pursuits, I can tell that they have a largeamount of doubt about them, especially due to my 'genre of choice'.
I bought a rat.  Her name is Quin, and she's awesome.

So, things are coming along, but much too slowly for my liking. As usual. My bassist has been gone for the past couple weeks, as well as my lead guitarist which has been exceptionally frustrating. My rhythm guitarist is in Michigan until late May and we don't have a drummer. I spend a lot of my time sitting around wishing I was able to be practicing and writing new material with the other guys, auditioning drummers etc but it just hasn't been coming together as I wish it would.  

I want so badly to be giving this my everything, and it's very frustrating to not be able to... yet. I often lose hope in the whole thing, and for brief moments think that I should go back to college or just give up music all together.  Then I am inspired by something to keep going, and this reinforces my motivation.  I love making music. I love performing it.  I love traveling. This is my dream and I am not giving it up.  I seriously cannot wait to be dirty and hungry and cramped in a van with a bunch of sweaty dudes driving all over the country to play shows to people that have probably never heard of us. 

It's kind of like finally having all the ingredients to a delicious cake, but knowing that you still have to mix it and then wait for it to cook... and in this case that process is going to take WAY TOO LONG.  I want to have my cake and eat it too. Right now. ;) Lord give me patience.